Pod Bar - by Bermar Australia
Pod Bar
With their innovative, modular design, the perfect Pod Bar can be created to fit easily into any bar, and they are flexible enough to allow extra Pods to be added later, without the need for further investment in wine-preservation technology.
The Pod Bar is ideal for on-trade operators looking to maximise their wine & Champagne ‘by the glass’ sales, for wine merchants and retailers to offer a ‘try before you buy’ service, or for discerning wine lovers looking for the perfect solution for their wine collection at home.
The Pod Bar range consists of stunning, beautifully lit counter top refrigeration along with an integral Le Verre de Vin Tower; available in the following standard configurations:
- the Single Pod Bar, the Twin-Pod Bar (also available in vertical configuration, Verti-Pod Bar),
- the Tri-Pod Bar and the Quad- Pod Bar.
Single Pod Bar is perfect for showcasing your range of wines and Sparkling wines available by the glass – a simple and elegant configuration.
Pod Bar models available
Still Wine Preservation
Bt removing the oxygen to a precisely controlled level Le Verre de Vin technology effectively preserves with without any risk to it's subtle structure.
Sparkling & Champagne Preservation
Preventing release of the naturally occurring CO2 is key to ensuring that the fizz stays locked in the wine and any issue of oxidation is eliminated.
Dual Preservation
Incorporating both technologies into one Tower unit.